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Online Dyslexia Tutor

Is your child struggling with reading?

Does the challenge to read feel overwhelming and frustrating to you both?

Are you concerned they are falling further behind in school?

Do you suspect dyslexia?  


Watching your child struggle to read can be heart-wrenching.

Their confidence and self-esteem may be taking a hit.

As a parent, you want to see them thrive and enjoy the world of reading like their peers,

but the reality might feel far from that.

You want to help, but feel at a loss as to how to do that.

Please know that your child's reading challenges CAN be overcome! 



There IS Hope! 

Wilson dyslexia practitioner logo

Here at The Successful Reader, I am an online dyslexia tutor who understand the unique needs of struggling readers.


As a certified Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner, I'm dedicated to helping your child unlock the joy of reading.


I'm not just a reading specialist, I'm also the parent of a dyslexic child.  I know first-hand what it feels like to have your smart, amazing child struggle in ways that just don't make sense.


Each of my tutoring sessions are tailored to your child's specific needs.  Every lesson is planned specifically based on the last, targeting your child's weaknesses.


I focus on improving reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension, ensuring they not only catch up but also develop a lifelong love for reading


Together, we can  help your

child become a successful reader!

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About Me

  • Certified Teacher since 1993

  • Over 15 years classroom teacher

  • 9 years homeschool teacher

  • Certified Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner

  • LETRS Trained

  • Extensive post graduate training in the Science of Reading.

  • International Dyslexia Association Provider

  • Mother of a dyslexic child

  • Passionate about helping all children succeed 

  • Online Dyslexia Tutor since 2023

B and D Confusion

Does your child mix up b and d?  What about p and q?  I have a fun way to help them tell the difference quickly and easily.


Watch the video to see how to "Put your b and d to bed, pretty quick!".

High Impact Spelling Practice

If you're looking for a fun new way for your child to practice spelling or sight words, this is it!  


This fun activity packs a huge punch when it comes to activating the brain.  Reaching up high and writing big lights up different areas of the brain.  


Plus, the novelty of writing on a mirror helps engage your child.  When they are having fun, they are learning well!

Rachel A.

My daughter has struggled with reading since Kindergarten and was behind in her reading level for years. She is now at her proper reading level for her grade and the impact Gayle had on my daughter will last a lifetime.

Kelly R.

My son went from not reading at all and not liking to read…to reading all by himself and actually liking to read.

I cannot recommend Mrs. Lynch enough…she is beyond the best!

Linda C.

Mrs. Lynch looked at the whole child, including strengths and weaknesses and with her compassion, expertise and experience turned our child into an avid reader, recognizing words and remembering what she read.

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