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Having spent years and years in the classroom, I learned that some activities are better than others at engaging kids. I also learned that when kids have fun, they retain concepts better.

Flashcards are one of those things that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love them because they're effective. I hate them because they're boring.

Fortunately, there's a better way for kids to practice concepts!

My favorite way to combine learning with fun is through games. I LOVE playing games with kids! Sometimes they have so much fun, they don't even realize that they're working!

One game that my students always asked for is STAR Search. This is an amazing game to practice all kinds of skills, but in a super fun way!

It's very easy to learn and play, but is also unbelievably versatile.

Did I mention that it's FREE?!?!

I've created a version of this game for you that includes three levels of play.

  • Level 1 has three letter words for beginning readers.

  • Level 2 has short vowel words with blends and digraphs.

  • Level 3 has two syllable words.

  • Level 4 has silent e words.

The levels make this game one that will last and last!

This is how you play STAR Search:

  • Print out one copy of the cards (print on cardstock or colored paper so the words don't show through).

  • Cut apart all the cards.

  • Place the word cards and STAR cards in the middle of the table, upside down. Shuffle to mix them up.

  • Take turns drawing a card and reading it out loud.

  • Put the word cards in a discard pile, but keep the STAR cards.

  • The player with the most STAR cards wins!

That's it! Kids LOVE to compete to collect stars!

The really cool part about this game is that it is extremely flexible.

There are so many ways to make this game more challenging. Just add a simple variation, such as:

  • Use the word in a sentence.

  • Spell the word without looking.

  • Instead of counting how many STAR cards, count how many total stars on your cards.

  • Print two copies of the game board.

Not only are there 4 levels in this freebie, but I've included a blank board!

The blank STAR Search board is what makes this freebie really great!

With the blank board, you can change the practice focus to just about anything!

You could create cards for:

  • Spelling words

  • Vocabulary words

  • Fluency phrases

  • Sentences

  • Math facts

  • Science terms

  • And more!!!

I know your child will enjoy this game as much as my students did.

Happy Reading!!

Updated: Aug 14

Is your child having trouble with reading? Are they very smart but reading just doesn't "click"? Will they do anything to avoid reading? Or maybe they can read, but their spelling is a mess!

Do you wonder if it might be dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that affects a person's ability to read, write, and spell. The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) estimates that 15-20% of the population may have symptoms of dyslexia.

Signs of dyslexia can vary from person to person, but here are 10 signs that your child might have dyslexia:

1. Difficulty with reading:

  • Struggles with reading words at an age-appropriate level.

  • Frequent mispronunciations of words or difficulty sounding out unfamiliar words.

  • Slow and laborious reading, often with many errors or pauses.

2. Spelling difficulties:

  • Frequently misspells words.

  • Inconsistent spelling of the same word.

  • Struggles with phonetic spelling, such as "frend" instead of "friend."

3. Poor handwriting:

  • Messy, illegible handwriting.

  • Inconsistent letter formations and sizes.

4. Difficulty with phonological awareness:

  • Struggles with recognizing and manipulating the sounds in words.

  • May have difficulty rhyming or segmenting sounds in words.

5. Slow reading and writing:

  • Takes much longer to complete reading assignments.

  • May be unable to finish reading assignments in a reasonable amount of time.

6. Difficulty with sequencing:

  • Struggles with sequencing letters in words or words in sentences.

  • May read or write letters or words out of order.

7. Trouble with reading comprehension:

  • Difficulty understanding and retaining information from what has been read.

  • May read text accurately but struggle to comprehend the content.

8. Avoidance of reading:

  • Disinterest in reading, often due to the associated challenges and frustrations.

  • May avoid reading activities or assignments.

9. Memory difficulties:

  • May have difficulty remembering sequences, facts, or instructions.

10. Low self-esteem and frustration:

  • Dyslexia-related challenges can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and frustration.

Dyslexia stays with a person throughout their life, but there is good news. People with dyslexia often excel in different ways, like solving problems, being creative, and thinking in unique ways.

Whether your child has dyslexia or not, getting him or her help NOW is essential. Reading difficulties rarely resolve on their own. Schools are overwhelmed and not equipped to provide targeted, individualized intervention.

Getting help early and the getting the right support can make all the difference in managing and overcoming dyslexia's challenges.

Contact me today for a free reading assessment. Together, we will help your child achieve reading success!

Welcome to The Successful Reader, where I'm dedicated to transforming struggling readers into confident, successful ones. As a certified Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner and an experienced parent of a dyslexic child, I understand the unique challenges that dyslexic children and teens face when learning to read. In this article, I'll address the common problems faced by dyslexic readers, highlight the emotions surrounding these challenges, and present effective solutions to bring the joy of reading back into their lives.

Dyslexia: A Roadblock to Reading

Dyslexia can be a formidable roadblock in a child's or teen's journey toward literacy. This learning difference often leads to difficulties in phonemic awareness, decoding skills, and reading fluency. As a parent, you may have witnessed the frustration and self-esteem issues that dyslexia can cause. It's disheartening to see your child struggle with something as fundamental as reading.

The Emotional Toll of Dyslexia

The emotional toll of dyslexia can be overwhelming for both students and their families. Feelings of frustration, inadequacy, and even hopelessness can seep in. You've likely seen your child's self-confidence diminish as they fall behind their peers. As a parent and a dedicated tutor, I've been there, and I understand the emotional turmoil this journey can bring.

Personalized Dyslexia Tutoring for Success

The good news is that there is a solution, and it starts with personalized tutoring. At The Successful Reader, I employ evidence-based techniques, including Orton-Gillingham-based instruction, to help students build essential phonemic awareness and decoding skills. My approach is systematic, explicit, and tailored to each child's specific level. Every lesson is diagnostically planned, building upon the previous one, ensuring steady progress.

I believe in celebrating the small victories, nurturing self-confidence, and reigniting the joy of learning. My goal is to empower dyslexic children and teens to become successful readers, allowing them to explore the world through the magic of books.

If you're ready to help your child or teen overcome the challenges of dyslexia and discover the joy of reading, The Successful Reader is here for you. I offer the expertise, personalized guidance, and unwavering support you and your child need on this journey. Together, we can transform those struggles into success stories.

Contact me today to embark on a journey towards a brighter reading future.

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