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Mom Guilt: The Struggle is Real!

Updated: Feb 14


As a seasoned teacher, I never imagined I would miss the signs of dyslexia, especially with my own son. But ignorance can sometimes be bliss until it's not. In this heartfelt account, I share the challenges we faced, the pivotal diagnosis, and the transformative journey that led me to become a Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner and found The Successful Reader.

Recognizing the Signs

Despite being well-versed in literacy education, I overlooked crucial signs of dyslexia in my son. It wasn't until his struggles with rhyming, letter recognition, and reading persisted that I realized something was amiss. Little did I know, these were early indicators of dyslexia.

The Journey to Understanding

Navigating the maze of resources and teaching methods, I was met with frustration and despair as traditional approaches fell short. It wasn't until my son's formal diagnosis that the pieces finally clicked into place. Determined to equip myself with knowledge, I delved into research, discovering the Orton-Gillingham method and tailor-made strategies for dyslexic learners.

Transformation Through Education

Armed with newfound understanding and methodologies, I embarked on a journey of daily instruction, systematically tailored to my son's needs. Witnessing his metamorphosis from reluctant reader to devourer of literature was nothing short of miraculous. Today, as a college graduate thriving in his academic pursuits, he stands as a testament to the power of specialized education for dyslexic individuals.

The Birth of The Successful Reader

Motivated by my son's triumphs, I resolved to extend a lifeline to other families navigating similar struggles. The Successful Reader emerged from this desire to bridge the gap in dyslexia education, offering tailored support and expertise to empower struggling readers on their journey to success.

The Need for Change

With statistics revealing the staggering prevalence of dyslexia and the alarming rates of reading difficulties among students, the urgency for targeted intervention has never been clearer. Schools, despite their best efforts, often lack the resources and specialized knowledge needed to adequately support dyslexic learners.

Empowering Families, Changing Lives

As a parent who has walked the path of uncertainty and despair, I understand the anguish of witnessing a child's struggles firsthand. But I also know that transformation is possible. Through personalized support and evidence-based strategies, The Successful Reader aims to ignite a love for reading and unlock the full potential of every student we serve.

Take the First Step

If you're grappling with feelings of helplessness or uncertainty regarding your child's reading journey, know that you're not alone. Schedule a free reading assessment with The Successful Reader today and embark on a transformative journey toward literacy success.

Your child's story doesn't have to be defined by struggle. Together, we can rewrite their narrative, one page at a time.


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