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Unwrap the Magic: 10 Holiday Reading and Writing Activities for Kids to Spark Joy

1. Holiday-Themed Story Time:

  • Choose festive and holiday-themed books to read together. This can include stories about winter, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday your family celebrates.

2. Family Reading Night:

  • Designate one evening a week as "family reading night." Everyone in the family can choose a book, and you can take turns reading aloud or silently together.

3. Cookbook Reading and Baking:

  • Select a child-friendly cookbook with simple recipes. Read the recipes together, discuss the ingredients, and then bake some holiday treats as a family.

4. Act Out Stories:

  • Choose a favorite holiday story and encourage your child to act it out. This can involve creating simple costumes, using props, and even recording a little performance.

5. Library Visit and Book Exchange:

  • Take a trip to the local library. Allow your child to explore and choose books that interest them. Many libraries also have holiday-themed events during the season.

6. Storytelling Through Art:

  • Combine reading with artistic expression. After reading a story, have your child create drawings, paintings, or crafts inspired by the characters or events in the book.

7. Holiday Journaling:

  • Provide your child with a special holiday-themed journal. Encourage them to write about their favorite holiday memories, traditions, or create a daily journal throughout the holiday season.

8. Holiday Card Making:

  • Turn writing into a festive activity by making holiday cards. Your child can write personalized messages inside the cards for friends and family. This combines creativity with the development of writing skills.

9. Thank You Notes:

  • After receiving gifts or kindness from others, teach your child the importance of gratitude by writing thank-you notes. This helps develop manners and writing skills simultaneously.

10. New Year's Resolutions:

  • As the year comes to an end, encourage your child to reflect on the past year and write down their New Year's resolutions or goals for the upcoming year.

There are so many wonderful ways to engage your kids in reading and writing during the holiday season. I'd love to hear ways you've found to be fun! Email me at

If your little one is struggling with reading, please give him or her the gift of literacy. I offer free reading assessments to students in need of extra help learning how to read. Click here for more information:

Embrace the holiday spirit with these festive reading and writing activities, creating a season filled with warmth, connection, and the joy of literacy. Happy holidays to you and your family!


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